The 'day after election day'...

What will America look like, on this - the first day after the mid-term elections? This day will be important to historians as either the beginning of the end of American socialism - or its endorsement. Will common Americans have risen again in the defense of liberty, freedom, and capitalism, as they did in 1776?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Obama' Sense of Urgency...

I don't get it these days. It took our President 3 days to speak about the attempted bombing of Flight 253 to Detroit on Christmas Day. Yet, when NV Senator Harry Reid's little 'racist' faux pas came to pass... BHO was Johnny on the Spot in his defense. When Haiti suffered its devastating earthquake in the wee hours of Tuesday morning - there was BHO on the morning news addressing the situation. Is this a matter of priorities being confused? Was he upset the attempted terrorist attack interrupted his vacation? Is saving Reid's hide that vital... and would it be if it weren't for the health care legislation?

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