The 'day after election day'...

What will America look like, on this - the first day after the mid-term elections? This day will be important to historians as either the beginning of the end of American socialism - or its endorsement. Will common Americans have risen again in the defense of liberty, freedom, and capitalism, as they did in 1776?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Day After the (Special) Election Day

Yesterday was an earth shaking day in American politics. I believe the citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts fired the first shot of the second American Revolution - just as their forefathers did some 235 years ago. Isn't it ironic that this shot came on the eve of the one year mark of the Obama Presidency? This country lurched leftward with the election of Mr. Obama in the fall of 2008. However, I don't truly believe that most saw how left we were lurching. This first year has shocked the majority of Americans with not only the scope and scale of the spending, but the bully pulpit from which it was administered.

Make no mistake, government is out of control. The US adopted its first $1T budget in 1987. We are cruising past $4T now. The red ink printed since 1980 is astounding. James Earl Carter III wrote $152.8 B his final two budgets, the Gipper wrote up $1.412 T, Bush I added $1.036 T in four years. William Jefferson Clinton actually was positive over his 8 budgets - but not until the mid term elections steered his presidency decidedly more moderate. In the end, he had returned a $62.8B in surpluses. Bush II ran up debts of some $2.494 T. That is a collective $5.032 T in 30 years - an average of $167.8 B per year. Enter the year 2009 and spending explodes to a $1.4 T single year deficit. This is the headwater of American's discontent.

285 days remain before Americans again return to the polls. Will Democrats get the message? Have Republicans learned their lessons? Will third party "Tea Party" candidates emerge?

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